Team Formation Process FAQ's


Q: Will all existing Bend FC competitive players receive an offer before OYSA-mandated tryouts?

A: Yes

Q: Will those players receiving an offer before tryouts be placed on a specific team or just an age group?

A: This depends on a number of factors. Players may receive a specific team roster spot before tryouts but all final roster placements will be no later than May 10th.

Q: When will players be evaluated to move up or down a level for their team?

A: Evaluations started Spring of 2023 and will continue throughout the season.

Q: If we do not receive a specific team-level assignment, how do we know which registration fee we pay?

A: You will pay the same fees you paid in 2023-24 unless your final roster placement changes. At that time, any adjustments or changes in fees will be sent individually via email.

Q: If we are not assigned a specific team-level assignment, how will we know which tournaments we will be attending, for summer planning?

A: All tournaments were announced in January. Please reserve all tournament weekends until your players’ final roster spot is confirmed by May 10th.

Q: If we receive and accept an offer before tryouts, do we still need to attend tryout sessions May 6-10?

A: Yes, this helps with evaluating new players and you get to play more soccer!!!

Q: Are our team assignments permanent for the seasonal year?

A: No. Bend FC continuously assesses players and in some cases believes in player movement, if applicable at any point during the season in which the Director of Coaching has the final say.

Q: Why are you changing the way we do tryouts?

A: This format has been the norm in other parts of the country for some time. Clubs in Oregon are now moving to this format as well. These changes will facilitate a better evaluation process for players over the course of the year rather than during two 90-minute tryout sessions.

Q: Does this comply with OYSA rules?

A: Yes. Bend FC and the Bend FC Technical Committee follow state and national governing body rules for fair play including tryouts.

Q: If a player receives a Recommit Invitation, how long will they have to accept?

A: Recommit Invitations expire on April 25, 2024.

Q: What if I pay my deposit and the team does not form?

A: As with each seasonal year, all roster spots are subject to having enough players to form the assigned team. If we do not have enough players to form the assigned team, you will receive a full refund. At the discretion of the Director of Coaching, training player options may also be available if we are unable to form the assigned team.


Q: Will all existing Bend FC competitive players be able to "Early Commit" before OYSA-mandated tryouts?

A: Yes, all 2015- 2007 CURRENT Bend FC players may commit early during g the "Early Commit" period.

Q: Will those players committing before tryouts be placed on a specific team or just an age group?

A: They will just be guaranteed a roster spot on an age group.

Q: When will players be evaluated to move up or down a level for their team?

A: Evaluations started Spring of 2025 and will continue throughout the season. Team placement invites will be after tryouts or during tryout week.

Q: Are competitive team fees the same across all teams?

A: Yes

Q: Where do we find the summer tournament schedule?

A: All tournaments were announced in January. Please reserve all tournament weekends. See the Bend FC website.

Q: If we "Early Commit" before tryouts, do we still need to attend tryout sessions? 

A: Yes

Q: Are our team assignments permanent for the seasonal year?

A: No. Bend FC continuously assesses players and in some cases believes in player movement, if applicable at any point during the season in which the Director of Coaching has the final say.

Q: Does this comply with OYSA rules?

A: Yes. Bend FC and the Bend FC Technical Committee follow state and national governing body rules for fair play including tryouts. 


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