Bend FC now offers a well organized and competitive men's 7v7 league for players of all abilities. Play soccer, build skills, socialize, and have a healthy dose of fun competition whether you are in our A or B league. League play occurs throughout the year, and the first session will start in August. Teams play eight games per session. Game nights are every Sunday; however, there are instances when we may have to schedule your game on an alternate day (ex. game on a Tuesday instead of Sunday). Game times will be between 2-8pm depending on the amount of teams registered. Registration closes 7-10 days before the league start date but varies depending on capacity and demand per league. Schedules are generally released a few days after registration closes.
Coed A - our top level of men's soccer competition. For competitive teams, most players are experienced, high-level soccer players looking for competitive games.
Coed B - our beginner/middle level of men's soccer competition. For teams of players with some soccer playing experience who are looking for competitive, but less intense games than our A leagues. Most players will have some past recreational league playing experience.
NEW Coed C - beginner-level coed soccer competition. This league is lower key competition, with no soccer experience required to play and/or it's ok to have past recreational league playing experience.
Games will be scheduled on the following Sundays:
2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30
No Playoffs 5 regular season games then finals for all teams.
March 30th, Finals (all teams)
Friday, February 28th, Registration Opens
Friday, April 4th, Registration Closes
Sunday, April 13th, League Begins
Games will be scheduled on the following Sundays:
4/13, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15
6 regular season games, 1 play off game all teams,
1 finals game for all teams.
June 15th, Finals (all teams)
We will only allow an even number of teams in the A, B & C league.
Questions? Please contact the league coordinator, Jessica Passage